Shuocheng Guo, Ph.D.
About Me
I am currently working as a Research Scientist at Amazon, based in San Diego, CA.
I earned my Ph.D. in Transportation System Engineering (TSE) from The University of Alabama (UA). My advisor was Dr. Xinwu Qian (now at Rice University). For OR-related work, I worked closely with Dr. Iman Dayarian from the Culverhouse College of Business at UA.
During my Ph.D. journey, I was actively involved in the growth of the Alabama Transportation Institute (ATI), where I contributed to multiple DOT projects. I was a primary contributor of an EV simulation platform and the Electric Bus Program for UA Crimson Ride. I am deeply thankful for the generous support and assistance provided by ATI.
Related Experience
Amazon - Minerva, San Diego, CA (2025.2 - Now)
Research Scientist
Amazon - AFT, Bellevue, WA (2024.6 - 2024.9)
Research Scientist Intern
Delta Air Lines - ODDS, Atlanta, GA (2024.1 - 2024.5)
Ph.D. Intern, Decision Scientist in Optimization
Education Background
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (2020.8 - 2024.12)
Ph.D. in Transportation Systems Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Xinwu Qian
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL (2018.8 - 2020.5)
M.S. in Transportation Systems Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Eleftheria Kontou
Central South University, Changsha, China (2015.9 - 2018.6)
B.S. in Civil Engineering
Recent Publications
I am currently seeking research collaborations in the areas of Electric Vehicles (EV), (electrified) transportation systems, and learning to solve OR problems.
My work has been published in top-tier journals, including Transportation Research Parts A, B, C, D, and IEEE TITS.
You can view a detailed list of my publications on my Google Scholar Profile.
S. Guo, I. Dayarian, J. Li, X. Qian, “Solving the Equitable Dial-a-Ride Problem using a Branch-cut-and-price Algorithm”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2025. ScienceDirect
S. Guo and X. Qian, “Optimal Drive-by Sensing in Urban Road Networks with Large-scale Ridesourcing Vehicles”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024. IEEE Explore
S. Guo, H. Chen, M. Rahman, and X. Qian, “DCA: Delayed Charging Attack on the Electric Shared Mobility System”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023. IEEE Explore
S. Guo, X. Qian, S. Dasgupta, M. Rahman, and S. Jones, “Sensing and monitoring of urban roadway traffic state with large-scale ridesourcing vehicles”, The Rise of Smart Cities: Advanced Structural Sensing and Monitoring Systems, Book Chapter, 2022. ScienceDirect
S. Guo and E. Kontou, “Disparities and equity issues in electric vehicles rebate allocation”, Energy Policy, 2021. Code ScienceDirect
2/2025 I joined Amazon as a Research Scientist!
1/2025 One paper is accepted by TR Part B!
1/2025 I will present my learning-based BPC work at a lectern session at TRBAM 2025 on Monday, January 6, 2025 from 1:30pm to 3:15pm EST. Looking forward to it!
10/2024 I gave a talk on “an unsupervised learning-based branch-and-price algorithm for the Dial-A-Ride Problem” at INFORMS 2024 Annual Meeting. Happy to reconnect with familair faces and get to know new friends!
9/2024 I completed my internship at Amazon! Looking forward to the next chapter.
6/2024 I joined Amazon as an RS intern.
5/2024 I gave one talk at ITE webminar on the equity-related transit research.
5/2024 I successfully passed my Ph.D. final defense. It has been such a wonderful and rewarding Ph.D. journey at Alabama, which will always be my sweet home. Roll Tide!
4/2024 One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on ITS!
1/2024 I joined Delta Air Lines as a Ph.D. Intern at the Optimization Team!
12/2023 I passed the proposal defense!
10/2023 I presented my research on 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.
6/2023 One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on ITS!
4/2023 I was recognized as 2023 Outstanding PhD Researcher at CCEE Department at UA. Roll Tide!
1/2023 At TRB 2023, I attended the Transit Data Challenge and presented at one poster section & lectern section at Washington DC.
11/2022 Our paratransit study has been selected as a finalist in the TRB 2023 Transit Data Challenge, see demo here.
10/2022 Four papers are accepted by TRBAM 23 (three lectern sections & one poster)
10/2022 I passed the qualifying exam.
10/2022 I gave one flash talk and present one poster on INFORMS Annual Meeting 2022 [link]
10/2022 One paper is accepted by TR Part C
8/2022 I presented on the INFORMS Conference on Security 2022[link]
8/2022 One paper is presented in BTR 4
7/2022 One paper is accepted by TR Part C
7/2022 One paper is accepted by TR Part D
4/2022 One paper is accepted by TR Part A
1/2022 Four papers are presented in TRBAM 22
8/2021 One paper is presented in WSTLUR 21 [link]
8/2021 One paper is presented in BTR 3
1/2021 One paper is presented in TRBAM 21